"I'm Finished:" Sean Hannity announces major change

Looks like things are changing for Sean Hannity and his career. The big time talk show host is moving out of New York, saying he's done with the big expensive city. He's headed south and taking his show with him. Kudos to this guy and his show, that's for sure! Trending Politics reported on Sean Hannity's big career move:<br /> <blockquote>Longtime Fox News host Sean Hannity has joined the migratory pattern of conservatives fleeing Democratic enclaves for freer, low-tax areas of the country. The longtime Fox News anchor announced on his SiriusXM show Tuesday that he is “done” with New York and will shortly be moving to the conservative bastion known as Florida where Republicans like Governor Ron DeSantis and U.S. Senators Rick Scott (R-FL) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) closely hew to his values. “I’ve been threatening now to do this for quite a while, but we are now beginning our first broadcast from my new home and that is in the free state of Florida,” he said on his iHeartRadio show on Tuesday. “I am out. I am done. I’m finished.”</blockquote>

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