House Republicans Hold Hunter in Contempt, Refer Him to DOJ for Prosecution

The House Oversight Committee and House Judiciary Committee just voted in favor of a resolution to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress, a finding that means Hunter Biden could be referred by the House to the DOJ for prosecution if a majority of the House votes in favor of the resolutions.

In the January 10 votes on the matter, the House Judiciary Committee approved the resolution in a 23-14 vote, and the House Oversight Committee voted in favor of the resolution 25-21. Now the resolutions will head to the House Rules Committee, and from there could be combined into one resolution for a contempt of Congress vote, which would lead to a referral for prosecution.

The resolution on which the House Oversight Committee was voting provided, “The Committee on Oversight and Accountability, having considered this Report, reports favorably thereon and recommends that the Report be approved. The form of the Resolution that the Committee on Oversight and Accountability would recommend to the House of Representatives citing Robert Hunter Biden for contempt of Congress pursuant to this Report is as follows: Resolved, That Robert Hunter Biden shall be found to be in contempt of Congress for failure to comply with a congressional subpoena. Resolved, That pursuant to 2 U.S.C. §§ 192 and 194, the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall certify the report of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, detailing the refusal of Robert Hunter Biden to appear for a deposition before the Committee on Oversight and Accountability as directed by subpoena, to an appropriate United States attorney, to the end that Mr. Biden be proceeded against in the manner and form provided by law. Resolved, That the Speaker of the House shall otherwise take all appropriate action to enforce the subpoena.”

In its conclusion, the resolution first addressed Hunter’s business activities and the potential improper behavior of President Joe Biden that they show, providing, “The Committees have accumulated significant evidence suggesting that President Biden knew of, participated in, and profited from foreign business interests engaged in by his son, about which the Committees intended to question Mr. Biden during his deposition.”

Continuing, the conclusion notes that Hunter Biden did not act as he should have and instead refused to appear before Congress when subpoenaed, providing, “[COLOR=var(--c-contrast-800)]However, Mr. Biden brazenly defied the Committees’ subpoenas, choosing to read a prepared statement outside of the Capitol instead of appearing for a deposition as required by the subpoenas.”[/COLOR]

Then, referring Hunter to the DOJ for prosecution and concluding that his refusal to appear constituted contempt of Congress, which would be the basis for prosecution, the resolution’s conclusion stated: “[COLOR=var(--c-contrast-800)]Mr. Biden’s willful refusal to comply with the Committees’ subpoenas constitutes contempt of Congress and warrants referral to the appropriate United States Attorney’s Office for prosecution as prescribed by law.”[/COLOR]

Rep. Comer, before the vote in the House Oversight Committee, said, “Today, the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability will consider a resolution and report recommending the House of Representatives find Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress for his refusal to comply with a subpoena duly issued by the committee. The House Committees on Oversight and Accountability and Judiciary issued subpoenas to Hunter Biden for a deposition to be conducted on December 13, 2023.”

He continued, “On December 13, Hunter Biden failed to comply with the deposition subpoenas relevant to the House of Representatives’ impeachment inquiry and the Committees’ oversight investigations. Instead, Hunter Biden appeared on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol where he read a short, prepared statement without taking any questions from the media. Our investigation has produced significant evidence suggesting President Biden knew of, participated in, and benefitted from his family cashing in on the Biden name. Based on witness testimony, Joe Biden was the brand his family sold around the world to enrich the Biden family. The Bidens and their associates raked in over $24 million from 2014 to 2019 from countries like China, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, and Kazakhstan.”

He added, “Witness testimony confirms then-Vice President Biden met, spoke by phone, dined, and had coffee with his family’s foreign business associates. President Biden has repeatedly lied to the American people about speaking with his son’s associates. We’ve also traced how money from the Bidens’ China deals and other influence peddling schemes landed in Joe Biden’s personal bank account.”

Explaining why Hunter is important and how he views Hunter’s involvement, Rep. Comer then said, “We planned to question Hunter Biden about this record of evidence during our deposition, but he blatantly defied two lawful subpoenas. Hunter Biden’s willful refusal to comply with the Committees’ subpoenas is a criminal act. It constitutes contempt of Congress and warrants referral to the appropriate United States Attorney’s Office for prosecution as prescribed by law. We will not provide Hunter Biden with special treatment because of his last name. All Americans must be treated equally under the law. And that includes the Bidens.”

Watch Rep. Comer here:

Featured image credit: President Joe Biden hugs his family during the 59th Presidential Inauguration ceremony in Washington, Jan. 20, 2021. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris took the oath of office on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol. (DOD Photo by Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Carlos M. Vazquez II)

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