GOP Gov. candidate plans on legally going after CNN

NC Gov. candidate Mark Robinson plans to go after CNN following a report that came out. The report in question put Mark Robinson at the center of an alleged scandal that he is speaking out against. A CNN KFile report connected the GOP candidate, Mark Robinson, to some unflattering comments that were allegedly made on an website made for adult use only. The comments in question are over a decade old. Robsinson denies he made these comments and suggests they are fabricated to ruin his campaign, and to distract voters from real issues.

Trending Politics quoted Mark Robinson in a report...

“We absolutely are [taking action],” Robinson said during an interview on Monday. “We’re in talks right now, everything up to legal counsel to take CNN to task for what they have done to us. We are going after them. We are going to go after them for what they’ve done.”

“Make no mistake about it. We are not going to let CNN throw us off of our mission,” Robinson said. “Our mission is to win this race. And quite frankly, I am dismayed about the fact, as I said before, think about how many people out there right now, right in this place where we are right now who are hooked on fentanyl, who are hooked on opioids and how many will die tonight because of it? Think about what’s going on on our border. Think about what’s going on on the world stage.”


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