Gaetz calls out ‘demoralizing’ FBI agents who kneeled for BLM, got commendations soon after

Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz demands answers on the FBI agents who were photographed kneeling for Black Lives Matter, some of whom later received commendations according to reports by both Fox News and NY Post. Gaetz sent Christopher Wray a letter asking about the kneeling FBI agents and their ‘demoralizing behavior’ from 2020 that took place thanks to George Floyd when he ran out of air and couldn’t breath anymore, making him unalive.

Many other people couldn’t breath either when they saw FBI agents taking a knee with BLM when the agents should have remained neutral and not participated in any form of activism or protests in one direction or another – especially for George Floyd who had a criminal history longer than an elephant’s trunk. The FBI agents took their knee on June 4, 2020, and from that day on people like Matt Gaetz have demanded answers on if the kneeling agents were rewarded for their Democratic activism.

According to NY Post, several of the knee-job FBI agents received some forms of commendations from the executive management in the FBI. Was this a reward for the FBI agent’s activism or something else?

James Gagliano wrote for the NY Post this key paragraph pointing it out:

FBI executive management lauded on-duty agents who knelt before Black Lives Matter protesters at the height of the George Floyd unrest and riots for their “de-escalation” efforts, The Washington Times recently reported. A whistleblower said the counterterrorism special agent in charge of the Washington, DC, field office even hugged each of them after the June 4, 2020, incident. While not all the “presence patrol” agents assigned to the scene — which included the Supreme Court and the National Archives — “took a knee” in a show of solidarity or an act of cowardice and capitulation, at least seven did.

Gaetz and many Americans have a problem with FBI agents taking a knee with activists because some of those same people may have participated in violence that broke out after George Floyd passed away. Were those FBI agents supporting any of the violent behavior? Even if they weren’t supporting the violent activists and protesters, they were still taking a knee with BLM, who’s known for accomplishing pretty much nothing but destroying things and being a scam overall since the founders are filthy rich and do nothing for Black people.

This is where Matt Gaetz unleashes a little bit into Christopher Wray, as noted on Fox News:

Gaetz said he heard from a whistleblower and other information that “people were rewarded for this at [the] FBI with plum personnel opportunities and promotions and advancements.”

“To climb the ladder in federal employment, you shouldn’t have to shimmy up the woke totem pole,” Gaetz added, asking Wray “about how various personnel engaged in these acts of supplication were then given plum professional opportunities.”

Gaetz said the “FBI’s behavior is demoralizing” to law enforcement from the local to the federal levels and that “it showcases a real misunderstanding ofhe purpose of law enforcement.”

“The purpose of law enforcement is to keep people safe, not to engage in politics,” Gaetz said. “And for the last several years, we’ve seen the FBI more interested in virtue signaling and political activity than in just the nuts and bolts in evaluating the facts and the law.”

What does this mean at the end of the day? Pretty much nothing. Do you really think anything will be accomplished? Matt Gaetz will point it out, but what’s the next course of action? What can Matt Gaetz or anyone else actually do about it? That part is the mystery and it seems like the politicians will talk, talk, talk – but who’s going to put their neck on the line and WALK the WALK?

I don’t think we’ll see anyone step up.


Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 / Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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