Chris Christie drops out of 2024 race

Let's be honest, Chris Christie never has a chance to win an election to become president. I don't know why he keeps thinking he can win, because it seems like pretty much no one supports the guy. It's my opinion that he runs for president just to suck up donations from people and use the money to feed himself. What else would he be running for? Look folks, if I ran a race against a professional sprinter knowing that I have no chance to win, then what am I running for? It's pointless. Anyone who donated to Chris Christie should feel shame. You got robbed and you just won't admit it. Chris Christie will never be the president of the United States. There is no point for him to enter into any election for this ever again. <p>Trending Politics reported on this, saying the following:</p> <blockquote>Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is set to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race. The announcement is anticipated at a town hall event in New Hampshire. Christie’s campaign was marked by strong opposition to former President Donald Trump. Amid increasing pressure to step aside for a more competitive contender against Trump, Christie is stepping down. Recent polls show former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley as the leading candidate behind Trump.</blockquote>

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