Biden backtracks on saying 'illegal immigrant' in reference to Laken Riley's killer

President Joe Biden is now bowing down to the wokeness mafia as he backtracks on saying the word "illegal immigrant" during his SOTU. Biden wasn't wrong and there's nothing incorrect about the words illegal immigrants. If someone is here illegally, then that's just exactly what they are. How about our politicians stop worrying about the words used to describe people crossing the border illegally and start worrying about how to fix all the issues?

The illegal immigrant killed American Laken Riley and we have a woke potato president apologizing for how he referred to the killer. It was bad enough that Joe Biden couldn't even get her name right when he called her "Lincoln Riley" - and now this. Just repulsive behavior from the White House, absolutely unacceptable.

Joe Biden should have closed the border years ago, but here we are with people being assaulted and murdered and he's basically apologizing for saying illegal immigrant instead of undocumented.

Wouldn't it be nice if our politicians cared about stopping the massive amount of people crossing the border illegally, as much as they care about offending someone breaking the law and entering a country illegally?

It's like the Democratic Party has lost common sense. Americans want Joe Biden to stop letting people cross the border illegally, but they haven't done anything useful since Joe Biden took office. Get Trump back in there, he did a better job. Even Barack Obama, the 'Deporter in Chief' was much better. When will Democrats wake up and start caring about the American people? This shows how real Americans are at the bottom of the totem pole for Democrats. They don't care about the American working man anymore.
It should be a Federal Capitol crime, with no release bail, and the death penalty, when an illegal immigrant crommits murder, of a US citizen,

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