“Mr. Biden Has Violated Federal Law”: House GOP Slams Hunter Biden Subpoena Defiance

Republicans in the House of Representatives recently prepared an initiative to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress after what has been described as a “criminal act” defied a subpoena from Congress. According to a report from the House Judiciary Committee, “Mr. Biden has violated federal law, and must be held in contempt of Congress.”

The report explains how the House is seeking Hunter Biden’s testimony as a part of a broader impeachment inquiry into President Biden. Damning accusations have arisen, alleging Joe Biden abused his position of power amid involvement in Hunter’s international business dealings.

Per the report from the House Oversight Committee, Hunter Biden is viewed as “a critical component of the impeachment inquiry into, among other things, whether Joseph R. Biden, Jr., as Vice President and/or President: (1) took any official action or effected any change in government policy because of money or other things of value provided to himself or his family; (2) abused his office of public trust by providing foreign interests with access to him and his office in exchange for payments to his family or him; or (3) abused his office of public trust by knowingly participating in a scheme to enrich himself or his family by giving foreign interests the impression that they would receive access to him and his office in exchange for payments to his family or him.”

Despite repeated denials from the Biden family, the Oversight Committee maintains they have substantial evidence implicating Joe Biden in his son’s business ventures. “The Oversight and Accountability Committee, with the other investigating committees, has accumulated significant evidence suggesting that President Biden knew of, participated in, and profited from foreign business interests engaged in by his son, about which the Committees intended to question Mr. Biden during his deposition,” the report adds.

The report slams Hunter Biden’s conduct in defying a congressional subpoena, claiming his actions interfered with the impeachment inquiry. [COLOR=var(--c-contrast-800)]“Mr. Biden’s decision to defy the Committees’ subpoenas and deliver prepared remarks prevents the Committee from carrying out its Constitutional oversight function and its impeachment inquiry,”[/COLOR][COLOR=var(--c-contrast-800)] it reads. [/COLOR]

Chairman of the House Oversight Committee James Comer criticized Hunter Biden for his unwillingness to comply with the subpoena. Comer explained that he should be held in contempt of Congress, emphasizing that he will not be treated differently because he is the president’s son.

“Hunter Biden’s willful refusal to comply with our subpoenas constitutes contempt of Congress and warrants referral to the appropriate United States Attorney’s Office for prosecution,” Comer stated. “We will not provide him with special treatment because of his last name.”

In light of the move from the GOP, Democrat lawmakers have spoken out in defense of Hunter Biden. Committee Ranking Member Jamie Raskin stated there “is no precedent for the U.S. House of Representatives holding a private citizen in contempt of Congress who has offered to testify in public, under oath, and on a day of the Committee’s choosing. Chairman Comer repeatedly urged Hunter Biden to appear at a Committee hearing, and Hunter Biden agreed.”

Hunter image By Center for Strategic & International Studies – Panel 3: Our Shared Opportunity: A Vision for Global Prosperity, CC BY 3.0, File:R. Hunter Biden at Center for Strategic & International Studies (1).jpg - Wikimedia Commons

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